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Captcha framework with configurable handling of generation and visualization

A minimalistic and performant CAPTCHA generator and validator, with customizable rendering options ready for both web and desktop applications. The image manipulation is done through

CAPTCHAs generated by flexcaptcha are highly customizable and can be generated and validated in different ways through the same application simultaneously. Thanks to this, flexcaptcha can be used as a centralized service for your web application landscape, or as a microservice, to hand out and validate CAPTCHAs that are tailored to each individual application that uses it.

The generated image data and tokens are not permanently stored in a database, improving response times and ease of use in your application besides not requiring additional infrastructure to set up.


text-based CAPTCHA:

    SimpleCaptchaTextGenerator generator = new SimpleCaptchaTextGenerator(); //Can generate randomized strings from a pool of allowed characters
    String s = generator.generate(10, Case.UPPERCASE); //Here is my random string. I want all letters to be uppercase. lowercase and mixed-case is supported, too. Or you supply your own string.
    String pw = "ThisIsMyPassword"; //Supply a password for encryption
    SimpleTextImageRenderer renderer = new SimpleTextImageRenderer(); //pick a renderer controlling the image generation (and distortion)
    CipherHandler ch = new CipherHandler(); //Cipherhandler for implementing the encryption and decryption
    TextCaptchaHandler handler = new SimpleTextCaptchaHandler();
    String saltSource = "Hello World!"; //A salt source for salting the hashes and encryption
    TextCaptcha captcha = handler.toCaptcha(s, ch, saltSource, pw, renderer , 100, 300); //putting it all together

Sample images:






image-based CAPTCHA:

    ImageCaptchaHandler handler = new SimpleImageCaptchaHandler();
    CipherHandler ch = new CipherHandler();
    ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader();
    BufferedImage[] solutionImages = loader.getImagesfromPath("C:\\SomeDirectory");
    BufferedImage[] fillImages = loader.getImagesfromPath("C:\\SomeOtherDirectory");
    String saltSource = "Hello World!";
    int gridWidth = 3;
    ImageCaptcha captcha = handler.generate(gridWidth, ch, saltSource, password, solutionImages, fillImages);

